Alguien Esta Orando por Mi

Know that someone is praying
Hermana Glenda was inspired to sing the title track of Alguien Está Orando por Mí while visiting a women's prison in Gibraltar. This song expresses the reassurance that, whatever happens, someone is praying for us. It puts a voice to the despair of human existence while recognizing that peace and hope coexist with that despair. This is the mystery that lies at the heart of belonging to the Body of Christ, and it is the central message of this beautiful CD.
Reach a deeper relationship with God
Melodious arrangements and a variety of instrumentation—including flute, strings and subtle percussion—join Hermana Glenda's light vocal quality to create a soothing, listening experience. Recorded in Barcelona and produced in collaboration with FundaciÍn Consuelen a mi Pueblo, Alguien Está Orando por Mí will appeal to anyone seeking to develop a deeper relationship with God, including traditional liturgists, charismatic and renewalist groups, worship leaders and individuals.
Enjoy music for many occasions
Alguien Está Orando por Mí offers music for prayer, healing, comfort, reassurance and celebration. In addition to the title track, popular titles include "Alianza de Amor Entre Tú y Yo," which delivers a hopeful message, and the gentle harmonies and lyrics of "Como una Madre" and "Sufro". Equally useful for worship and prayer groups as well as personal reflection and meditation, this remarkable collection will inspire, uplift and delight.
Tracks: Alguien Está Orando por Mí (Lc 22, 32) | Dios Te Consuela (Is 51, 12. 17û19) | Estoy a Tu Puerta y Llamo (Ap 3, 20) | Génesis (Gn 2, 7; Is 45, 9; 29, 16) | No Te Sientas Sola (Is 43, 1û5) | Todo Es Viento (Qo 1, 1û14; 2, 15û17; 6,2) | Como una Madre (Is 49, 14û16) | Soy de Tiempo (Ecl 3, 2û8; Ap 21, 6) | Sufro (Jb 3, 3û26; 6, 2û13; 7, 19û20) | Alianza de Amor Entre Tú y Yo | Tu Lógica | Mírame a Mí (25, 35û40) | Enséñame a Orar (Lc 11, 1) | Todavía No Se Manifiesta Quién Eres (1 Jn 3, 1û2) | ¡Consuela a Mi Pueblo! (Is 40, 1û10) | Quién Eres Tú (Mc, 4, 41)