"Yet it was our infirmities that he bore, our sufferings that he endured. He was pierced for our offenses, crushed for our sins."
The Easter Triduum continues with the solemn Celebration of the Passion of the Lord.

Listen to the Podcast:
No Entrance Chant. Liturgy begins with silent prayer.
Responsorial Psalm My God, My God
Spirit & Song #57
Adoration of the Holy Cross
Take Up Our Cross
Spirit & Song #354; Choose Christ 2016 #125; Breaking Bread #721
O Sacred Head, Surrounded
Spirit & Song #172
Lead Us to the Cross
Were You There
Spirit & Song #173
Communion Chant What Wondrous Love
Spirit & Song #364
No Sending Song. Liturgy ends in silence
Note: The Solemnity of the Anunciation of the Lord, normally celebrated on March 25, is transferred to Monday, April 4, 2016 -- the next available date after Holy Week and Easter Week.
Liturgy Podcast is a weekly liturgy planning resource for musicians, liturgists, homilists, youth groups, faith sharing groups, and all who look to the liturgical readings for inspiration and nourishment. Join Ken Canedo and Robert Feduccia as they break open the Scripture and play suggested tracks from the Spirit & Song repertoire.
If you want to use songs that are not in any of the books you have, you can license the songs through ONE LICENSE. Paying for the usage of songs will ensure the Church will have quality songs for years to come.