Matt Maher has become one of the most popular and critically acclaimed Catholic artists in the country. He and his band travel throughout the year to bring their signature brand of praise and worship to the world.
- 40 Days
- A Future Not My Own
- Abide With Me
- Adoration
- Alive Again
- Alive in You
- All the People Said Amen
- As Good As It Gets
- As It Is in Heaven
- As It Is in Heaven
- Awake My Soul (A Thousand Tongues)
- Be Lifted High
- Because He Lives (Amen)
- Behold the Lamb of God
- Burning In My Soul
- By the Love of God
- Canticle of Zechariah
- Christ Is Risen
- Clean Heart
- Come to the Water/I Will Run to You
- Deliverer
- Echoes One
- Echoes Two
- Empty & Beautiful
- Everything Is Grace
- Everything You've Done
- Faithfulness
- Falling For You
- Firelight
- For Your Glory
- Giovanni Paolo
- Glory Bound
- Great Things
- Here and Now
- Hold Us Together
- Holy
- Holy
- I Love You, Lord
- I Rejoice
- Instrument
- Into Your Hands
- Isaiah 61
- It Is Good
- Jericho
- Jesus, My Everything
- Just As I Am
- Just Like You
- Just Live It
- Kyrie
- Lamb of God
- Land of My Father
- Lay It Down
- Lead Me Home
- Leave a Light On
- Litany
- Look Like a Fool
- Lord, I Need You
- Lord, Let Your Mercy Be Upon Us
- Love Has Come
- Maranatha
- Masterpiece
- Mighty Fortress
- More Than Yesterday
- On My Way
- Overflow
- Picket Sign
- Praying with a Broken Heart
- Remembrance
- Rest
- Restless
- Resurrection Day
- Set Me as a Seal
- Shine Like the Son
- Sons and Daughters
- Sophia
- Spirit and Life
- The Cross Forever Speaks
- The End and the Beginning
- The Least of These
- The Lord Upholds My Life
- The Rivers of Babylon
- Timeless
- Turn Around
- Unwavering
- Void
- We Gotta Love
- Welcome to Life
- What a Friend
- Won't Let Me Down
- Wonderful to Me
- You Are the Lord
- You Know Who I Am
- Your Grace Is Enough
- Your Love Defends Me
- Your Love Defends Me
Matt Maher has become one of the most popular and critically acclaimed Catholic artists in the country. Originally from Newfoundland, Canada, he got his start in church music at St. Timothy Catholic Church in Mesa, Arizona, while studying jazz at Arizona State University in Tempe.
Matt has consistently provided the Church with songs expressing God's greatness and our need for his grace. Since the 2002 release of his first CD, The End and the Beginning, the rise of Matt and his music has been remarkable. His songs have been recorded by Kathy Troccoli and Chris Tomlin (“Your Grace Is Enough”) and have received multiple Grammy nominations. He sang “I Need You, Lord” before Pope Francis and a crowd of four million people at World Youth Day 2013 in Brazil. His latest realease, Echoes, features songs of God's love in the wake of personal tragedy.
Matt and his band travel worldwide throughout the year to bring their signature brand of praise and worship to young audiences through a variety of concert events.
He currently lives in Nashville with his wife and children.